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Video Wall Administration System (VWAS) is software to control display walls and multi-screen video processors. VWAS provides control and management of application windows and display engines. It integrates the control of matrixes, cameras, centralised controlling devices, and other peripherals according to user needs. Complementing the distinguished performances of the VTRON’s Digicom® processors, VWAS supports simultaneous multi-user connection and operation with a user friendly interface. VWAS allows convenient and fast, wall control and straightforward operation.


Windows Management

Through controlling the multi-screen processor, operators can manage various applications or windows on the processor, such as the RGB/Video windows and Vlink windows.

Mode Management

With preset mode and sequence, the system carries out the sequential operations for showing engine windows, processor windows and application windows. Users can define their own preset mode and sequence for the convenience of operation.

Device Management

Centralise control over matrix, camera and other peripheral devices. It also supports third-part centralized control devices through a development interface and serial port control protocols.
VWAS Explorer, as the display wall manager, is designed to provide friendly and simple interface for user’s operation and management of the display wall system. VWAS Service, as the manager server, is responsible for the communication between the user operation interface and VWAS service protocol.

VWAS Explorer and VWAS Service

Operators are able to control the various engines in the display wall system, including on/off operation and lamp working hours display. They can adjust input signals properties with VWAS, thus to perfect the final visual effect on the display wall.



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